Hello everyone. Don’t worry. I promise – this site will rarely, if ever again, be a post about me. But I did want to take this opportunity to welcome you to the site and thank you for stopping in.

My name is Andy Tellijohn. I love my family, bourbon, thriller novels and … sports.

I have been a business journalist for nearly 20 years. I started out with the Minneapolis-St. Paul Business Journal. I have written for and now write and edit for Upsize Minnesota, a small business how-to magazine. And I have freelanced for a number of publications, including Street & Smith’s Sports Business Journal, over the years.

It was while I was at the Business Journal that I became interested in sports business. It was one of several beats I covered at the time. I’ve always been a sports fan. And I found it fascinating getting behind the scenes to see what goes on to create the promotional schedules, the pre-game events, the stadium debates and the myriad of other tentacles taking place that get less notice but often have greater ramifications than the games themselves.

So that brings me here. This won’t be an opinion site. I’ll tap into an existing and growing network of sports business officials around the state and nationally to bring you sports business news and analysis you can use and, hopefully, enjoy.

If you like what you read, I hope you’ll let me know. If you hate what you read, I hope you’ll let me know that too – constructively. I promise, I won’t swear at you, as long as you don’t swear at me.

With that, I thank you again for stopping by and I hope we can interact again, digitally or in person, in the future.


Andy Tellijohn